Welcome to the Congressional Oversight Hearing Index

This Index evaluates each House and Senate committee’s devotion to oversight. Each committee is given a letter grade based on the degree to which its oversight hearing record in this Congress is on pace to match its historical performance. Current committee grades are updated regularly to reflect new hearing activity.

Last updated: July 12, 2024, 1:51 p.m.

House of Representatives

Committee 117th Congress Chair Investigative Oversight Hearings Policy/Legislative Hearings Total Hearings
Agriculture B- David Scott 0 25 61
Appropriations A Rosa DeLauro 1 178 225
Armed Services F Adam Smith 2 76 102
Budget F John Yarmuth 0 9 14
Education and Labor C- Bobby Scott 0 23 63
Energy and Commerce F Frank Pallone 1 42 94
Financial Services D Maxine Waters 7 40 109
Foreign Affairs D Gregory Meeks 0 69 158
Homeland Security F Bennie Thompson 1 26 75
House Administration N/A Zoe Lofgren 4 4 29
Intelligence (Permanent Select) N/A Adam Schiff 0 1 1
Judiciary F Jerrold Nadler 1 11 76
Natural Resources B- Raúl Grijalva 9 68 110
Oversight and Reform F Carolyn Maloney 3 27 92
Rules N/A Jim McGovern 0 42 56
Science, Space, and Technology F Eddie Bernice Johnson 0 13 72
Small Business F Nydia Velázquez 1 15 59
Transportation and Infrastructure F Peter DeFazio 0 24 68
Veterans' Affairs D Mark Takano 0 53 78
Ways and Means F Richard Neal 0 12 40


Committee 117th Congress Chair Investigative Oversight Hearings Policy/Legislative Hearings Total Hearings
Aging F Bob Casey 0 1 25
Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry D Debbie Stabenow 0 5 31
Appropriations D+ Patrick Leahy 0 83 85
Armed Services C Jack Reed 2 66 105
Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs C Sherrod Brown 1 30 114
Budget F Bernie Sanders 0 5 15
Commerce, Science, and Transportation F Maria Cantwell 4 16 76
Energy and Natural Resources D Joe Manchin 0 42 70
Environment and Public Works F Tom Carper 0 28 62
Finance C Ron Wyden 1 21 58
Foreign Relations D+ Bob Menendez 1 64 127
Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions F Patty Murray 0 13 57
Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs F Gary Peters 9 25 83
Indian Affairs D Brian Schatz 0 26 39
Intelligence N/A Mark Warner 0 80 94
Judiciary F Dick Durbin 3 22 118
Rules and Administration N/A Amy Klobuchar 4 5 15
Small Business and Entrepreneurship F Ben Cardin 0 8 19
Veterans' Affairs D Jon Tester 0 26 39