Compare Committees Over Congresses

Last updated: July 12, 2024, 1:51 p.m.

Explore how the performance of congressional oversight varies with changing executives, majority and minority leadership, and committee chairs.

House of Representatives

Committee 117th Congress 116th Congress* 115th Congress 114th Congress 113th Congress 112th Congress 111th Congress
Agriculture B- D+ F A F C A
Appropriations A A F C- C A- A
Armed Services F C- C B- C A A
Budget F A C- F F C A
Education and Labor C- A C+ B C+ B+ A
Energy and Commerce F C+ B- A A A B
Financial Services D A C+ B D+ A A-
Foreign Affairs D D D A A B F
Homeland Security F A C- C- C A C-
Judiciary F A C C A A A-
Natural Resources B- A C- A B- D F
Oversight and Reform F A D A A D F
Science, Space, and Technology F C- F A B A A
Small Business F C+ C+ A C+ F F
Transportation and Infrastructure F C F F B A- A
Veterans' Affairs D A A A A C- A
Ways and Means F F F C A A F


Committee 117th Congress 116th Congress* 115th Congress 114th Congress 113th Congress 112th Congress 111th Congress
Aging F C C A A A- C+
Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry D D D+ D+ F A B
Appropriations D+ D C+ A B A A-
Armed Services C B A A B B- A
Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs C F D- F C A A
Budget F F F D D A B+
Commerce, Science, and Transportation F D B D B D A
Energy and Natural Resources D C+ C+ B- D C+ A
Environment and Public Works F D- C+ B D- C A
Finance C B- F B B A A-
Foreign Relations D+ F D A C+ D C-
Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions F F C- D C+ B+ A
Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs F F F D D+ C A
Indian Affairs D F C A B- A A
Judiciary F C C A C- B A
Small Business and Entrepreneurship F A F A F C- A
Veterans' Affairs D F D- B- C- D A

* Adjustments have been applied so that committees' grades are not lowered by the constraints on hearings caused by Covid-19 []