House Committee on House Administration

Chair: Zoe Lofgren

4 Investigative Oversight Hearings

4 Policy/Legislative Hearings

29 Total Hearings

Last updated: June 15, 2024, 11:02 p.m.

This small, nine-member committee oversees the day-to-day operations of the House of Representatives, in particular by setting the budgets for House committees and expenses for members. It is also responsible for oversight of federal elections, and at times has produced significant electoral reforms. In addition, it oversees such offices and institutions as the Library of Congress, the Smithsonian, the Government Publishing Office, the Architect of the Capitol and the Capitol Police, which has 2,300 civilian and uniformed personnel, roughly twice the size of the police force of Cincinnati. The committee had two subcommittees during the 111th and 112th Congresses (2009-2012), one on elections and one on oversight, but they were abolished in the 113th Congress (2013-2014). For the 116th Congress (2019-20) it re-established a subcommittee on elections.

In keeping with its largely administrative mandate and small size, the committee holds only a handful of hearings each year. It conducts almost no investigative oversight hearings. The 26 hearings it held in the 116th Congress under new Chair Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) was a record for the period. Many of those hearings concerned voting rights and voting administration, both nationally and in various states during the run-up to the 2020 presidential election, which President Trump frequently charged would be fraudulent. It held no investigative oversight hearings.


111th Congress: Bob Brady (D-PA)

112th Congress: Dan Lungren (R-CA)

113th Congress: Candice Miller (R-MI)

114th Congress: Candice Miller (R-MI)

115th Congress: Gregg Harper (R-MS)

116th Congress: Zoe Lofgren (D-CA)

117th Congress: Zoe Lofgren (D-CA)

Current Congress

We are 100% of the way through the 117th Congress

House Committee on House Administration

4 Investigative Oversight Hearings; 100% historical maximum
4 Policy/Legislative Hearings; 35% historical maximum
29 Total Hearings; 100% historical maximum

Committee History

Number of Hearings
Investigative/Oversight Policy/Legislative Total Hearings
111th Congress 0 12 18
112th Congress 0 8 8
113th Congress 0 6 10
114th Congress 0 6 10
115th Congress 1 8 17
116th Congress* 0 8 26
117th Congress 4 4 29
Historical average 0.7 7.4 16.9

* Adjustments have been applied so that committees' grades are not lowered by the constraints on hearings caused by Covid-19 []

Number of Hearings

--- Historical Average

Hearings held by the
House Committee on House Administration

Date Hearing Title Committee Category